How do NHS dental prices work in England?

The NHS does not offer free dental care for everyone in England. This means that you might have to pay in order to see a dentist, even if you choose to have your treatments on the NHS.

You can find out whether you are eligible for free dental care in England here.

NHS dental prices have 3 levels, depending on the complexity of the treatment. If you need multiple treatments that are priced in different tiers, you will pay only the fee of the highest band. You will not be expected to pay for more than one band during a single course of treatment.


Band 1: £26.80

This includes the cost of an examination, both routine and emergency. It can also include the cost of X-rays, hygienist appointments (if necessary) and advice.

Band 2: £73.50

This includes the cost of all treatments in Band 1, and some additional treatments. These include: fillings, root canal treatments, mouth surgery and removing teeth.

Band 3: £319.10

This includes the cost of all treatments in Band 2, and some more complicated treatments. These include: crowns, dentures and veneers.

If you need more information about what is included in each band, you can find out online here.

You can also ask your dentist to explain the pricing to you during your appointment.

Additional treatment

If you received NHS dental treatment in the last 2 calendar months, you will not need to pay again for more treatment from the same or lower pricing band. This means that if you had a treatment like a filling less than two months ago, you will not be charged again for a second filling.

If you need a treatment that is from a higher band than your previous treatment, you will be charged the difference by the NHS.

After 2 months, you'll need to pay the NHS charges for any dental treatments that you receive.

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